Like the two individuals above, Imelda Marcos gained her power through being the wife of a military dictator. 5. The number of countries ruled by military dictatorships began to fall sharply after the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s. 1. Democracies are classified by the rules in which executives can be appointed or removed and can be either presidential, mixed or semi-presidential, or parliamentary. China - Communist Regime 4. Stability can be weakened when opposition groups grow and unify or when elites are not loyal to the regime. List of Cons of Dictatorships. [26] Ruling parties in one-party dictatorships are distinct from political parties that were created to serve a dictator in that the ruling party in a one-party dictatorship permeates every level of society. Between 1950 and 2016, one-party dictatorships made up 57% of authoritarian regimes in the world,[26] and one-party dictatorships have continued to expand more quickly than other forms of dictatorship in the latter half of the 20th century. Leaders of these dictatorships often place those loyal to them in positions of power (qualified or not), and foster cults of personality to sway public opinion to their side. Among Africans past and present, you'll find a smattering of dictatorships. In the 19th century, settlers slowly and hesitantly began to establish themselves in. REUTERS/Myo Kyaw Soe. Many are noted for their cruelty, while others are honored as national heroes. Binary measure of democracy and dictatorship, Six-fold regime classification scheme and its rules, Comparison with other democracy-measuring data sets, Studies in Comparative International Development, "Minimalist Conception of Democracy: A Defense", Przeworski, Alvarez, Cheibub, and Limongi: Democracy and development,, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from February 2023, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from January 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. [9], Gugiu & Centellas developed the Democracy Cluster Classification Index that integrates five democracy indicators (including the DD dataset, Polity dataset), clustering 24 American and 39 European regimes over 30 years.[2]. [57] The rule of a dictator was not necessarily considered tyrannical in Ancient Rome, though it has been described in some accounts as a "temporary tyranny" or an "elective tyranny". The type of dictatorship a country is ruled by typically comes down to the methods the dictator used to obtain power and how they go about maintaining it. (2010), and further developed and maintained by Cheibub, Gandhi, and Vreeland (2009). [51] In the modern era, absolute monarchies are most common in the Middle East. [8]:455 Some countries (such as Spain, Belgium, Germany, and Israel) require that the vote of no confidence also specify who is going to replace the sitting government to minimize the time without an interim government, essentially replacing one government with another. The role of dictator was created for instances when a single leader was needed to command and restore stability. [27], One-party dictatorships are more stable than other forms of authoritarian rule, as they are less susceptible to insurgency and see higher economic growth. The required majority needed to remove the sitting government varies between countries but is termed a vote of no confidence. Many dictatorships are also characterized by corruption, nepotism, and a cult of personality around the leader. [146], In a dictatorship, violence is used to coerce or repress all opposition to the dictator's rule, and the strength of a dictatorship depends on its use of violence. First is that an autocracy nearly always focuses power in a single individual person, whereas dictatorshipssingle-party dictatorships in particularsometimes spread the power throughout a small group of people (say, the leaders of the dictator's political party). The exclave province of Cabinda has borders with the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Keep note that the head of state, chief executive, government, and legislatures can have their official names be seemingly contradictory to this classification. He became the 22nd president of Liberia on August 2, 1997 and served until August 11, 2003. In a dictatorial government, power rests with one supreme ruler. Francois Duvalier (1907 - 1971) The Haitian dictator, also known as Papa Doc, governed the Americas' poorest country from 1957 to he died in 1971. [92] Deng Xiaoping took power as the de facto leader of China after Mao's death and implemented reforms to restore stability following the Cultural Revolution and reestablish free market economics. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 12:26. They are often characterized by their use of violence and repression to maintain power. Nations with a legacy of military dictatorship (s) In Africa Algeria (1965-1994) Burkina Faso (1966-1991) Burundi (1966-1993) Central African Republic (1966-1993) Chad (1975-1991) Congo-Brazzaville (1968-1992) Equatorial Guinea (1968-1982) Ethiopia (1974-1991) Gambia, The (1994-1997) Guinea (1984-1991) Ghana (1966-1969; 1972-1979; 1981-1993) What are the countries with a democracy government? [6], The opposition to a dictatorship represents all of the factions that are not part of the dictatorship and anyone that does not support the regime. [107] Dictatorships are often recipients of foreign aid on the condition that they make advances toward democratization. Accused of crimes against humanity, Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death in 2006. [49] In an absolute monarchy, power is limited to the royal family, and legitimacy is established by historical factors. [32], One-party dictatorships became prominent in Asia and Eastern Europe during the Cold War as communist governments were installed in several countries. The dictator is the absolute ruler. Adolf Hitler - WORST DICTATOR. [1]:68. Dictators are usually backed (especially financially) by groups of powerful people. This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 02:19. [138] A study found that dictatorships that engage in oil drilling are more likely to remain in power, with 70.63% of the dictators who engage in oil drilling still being in power after 5 years of dictatorship, while only 59.92% of the non-oil producing dictators survive the first 5 years. Adolf Hitler known for his Nazi party and the barbarities and fierceness during his autocracy rule. ( 1, 2, 3) 5 Paul Kagame, the 60-year-old President of Rwanda, has been in power since 1994 when his rebel army ended the genocide which had killed 800,000 people. Factions or divisions among the elites will mitigate their ability to bargain with the dictator, resulting in the dictator having more unrestrained power. [25], One-party dictatorships are governments in which a single political party dominates politics. Most caudillos came from a military background, and their rule was typically associated with pageantry and glamor. The Democracy-Dictatorship Index has the main regime types of "democracy" and "dictatorship" and three sub-types for each as well. [132] Foreign intervention takes place when another country seeks to topple a regime by invading the country or supporting the opposition. Most of them are characterized by a single leader with either no party or one that is weak. [20][21] They are most common in developing nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. [17] Between 1946 and 2010, 42% of dictatorships began by overthrowing a different dictatorship, and 26% began after achieving independence from a foreign government. Hybrid dictatorships are regimes that have a combination of these classifications. The chief executive must be chosen by popular election or by a body that was itself popularly elected. If the head of state is popularly elected for a fixed term then, the democracy is mixed or semi-presidential. Even in today's modern world, where freedom is prized and respected, you will still find examples of dictatorship governments around the globe. The totalitarian dictatorship of Adolf Hitler in Germany , from 1933 to 1945. Duterte is the perfect example of a . [16], Most dictatorships are formed through military means or through a political party. [72] The societal upheaval caused by World War I and the unstable peace it produced further contributed to instability that benefited extremist movements and rallied support for their causes. [64][65][66], Dictatorship developed as a major form of government in the 19th century, though the concept was not universally seen pejoratively at the time, with both a tyrannical concept and a quasi-constitutional concept of dictatorship understood to exist. A personalist dictator will manage these appointees by segmenting the government so that they cannot collaborate. Like right-wing, it is not a copyrighted term. Freedom House, the Polity data series, and the Democracy-Dictatorship Index are three of the most used data series by political scientists. He was a German legislator, organizer of Nazi party and furthermore filled in as Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Elites are also the primary political threats of a dictator, as they can leverage their power to influence or overthrow the dictatorship. The 2010 version of Polity data series covers 189 countries from 1800 to 2009. The communist and fascist dictatorships that arose in various technologically advanced countries in the first half of the 20th century were distinctively different from the authoritarian regimes of Latin America or the postcolonial dictatorships of Africa and Asia. [78], At the same time, nationalist movements grew throughout Europe. The chief executive can take many names including chancellor, prime minister, or premier and the heads of the executive departments can bear different names and be called different things. But by 1995, all the countries in the region, with the notable . Military dictatorships are more prone to conflict due to the inherent military strength associated with such a regime, and personalist dictatorships are more prone to conflict due to the weaker institutions to check the dictator's power. Hybrid dictatorships: What it's like to live under a Dictatorship. 1 Norway 2 Iceland 3 Sweden 4 New Zealand 5 Denmark =6 Canada =6 Ireland 8 Australia =9 Switzerland =9 Finland When necessary, a dictator may also make an effort to replace or amend the nation's constitution to empower, enrich, or otherwise benefit the dictator and his/her allies to a greater degree. The deadliest dictatorships are discussed below. Examples include the Personalist/Military dictatorship of Pakistan from 1977 to 1988 and the Single-Party/Military hybrid that controlled El Salvador from 1948 to 1984. Argentina and Mexico are the countries with Dictatorship as a government form. Among the 10 dictatorship countries profiled, poverty is endemic. Albania - Communist Regime 3. African Dictators [118] Generally, two research approaches exist: the minimalist approach, which focuses on whether a country has continued elections that are competitive, and the substantive approach, which expands the concept of democracy to include human rights, freedom of the press, and the rule of law. This makes it distinct from constitutional monarchy and ceremonial monarchy. [144] Since the end of the Cold War, more dictatorships have established "semi-competitive" elections in which opposition is allowed to participate in elections but is not allowed to win, with approximately two-thirds of dictatorships permitting opposition candidates in 2018. The leader may be supported by a party or military, but still retains the overwhelming majority of power, especially regarding whom to place in which governmental roles, and relies heavily upon their own charisma to maintain control. Examples of Fascism. Qatar - Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani Russia - Vladimir Putin, President of Russia Rwanda - Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda Saudi Arabia - King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, King of Saudi Arabia Somalia - Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of Somalia South Sudan - Salva Kiir Mayardit, President
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